Spokesperson's Remarks|China has delivered several hundred clean energy and green development projects
China has delivered several hundred clean energy and green development projects in Africa,...
中国青年报 2024-09-04 22:54:21
商务部驳“非洲债务陷阱论”:中国从来不是非洲债务主要债权方 China not Africa's main creditor, 'debt trap' claim debunked
.According to the debt report released by the World Bank, China-Africa bilateral debt accounted for 11...
新浪新闻 2024-08-22 09:10:40
Death toll rises to 74 in South Africa's Johannesburg building fire
ReutersSmoke rises from a burning building amid a deadly fire, in Johannesburg,...
SINA English 2023-09-01 09:38:00
Death toll of S. Africa's Johannesburg building fire rises to 63
ReutersA firefighter works at the scene of a deadly blaze in Johannesburg,...
SINA English 2023-08-31 16:15:00
Five killed in South Africa's Cape Town amid taxi strike
ReutersLaw enforcement officers detain a protestor amidst an ongoing strike by taxi operators against ...
SINA English 2023-08-09 17:46:00
非洲的五大兽 Africa's Big Five
【非洲的五大兽 Africa's Big Five】全盛时期的雄狮让人敬畏,在非洲大地上更是威风凛凛,可谁又曾想到它们也是猎人追逐的终极目标...
纪录片之家爱自然 2023-07-01 06:30:01
Vehicle collision kills 20 in South Africa's northern province
South Africas local transport authorities said Tuesday that 20 people were killed after a cash-in-tran...
SINA English 2023-02-14 17:39:00
- 1 孙杨400自银牌
- 2 邓为 将门毒后
- 3 樊振东张本智和合影
- 4 这里是多彩贵州
- 5 内场的刘亦菲
- 6 美宇航员回家:天上事已了地上事没完
- 7 当学生面虐杀猫老师公开道歉
- 8 重庆石柱发生3.0级地震,警惕这类谣言!
- 9 贵女 听劝
- 10 孙杨回应被小16岁对手反超